Le Chameau - When you know. Le Chameau.


Le Chameau were at a crossroads. Historically, they had relied on 3rd party retailers as key distribution partners, but recognised that their long-term future relied on building a D2C business and expanding beyond their core audience.

Le Chameau needed to understand their audience in much more granular detail, build much stronger engagement with their customers and drive them to its new D2C platform.

The Solution

We began by using their 1st party data to debunk some myths that had driven strategy to date. Received wisdom was that their core customer groups were country families in the Cotswolds (and this had driven brand activity and messaging). However the highest concentration of high value customers was in the Surrey stockbroker belt, closely followed by other home county commuter zones where the quality of Le Chameau stood out as the welly of choice.

To further expand their potential audience, we then cross-matched Le Chameau’s 1st party data against Experian Mosaic segmentation and qual & quant research profiling to provide a richer demographic, attitudinal and behavioural set of insights, unlocking uncaptured customer intelligence. Enabling us to optimise existing customer experiences but, importantly, enhancing our prospect understanding (thereby informing channel choice and location, as well as visual styles, tone of voice and offers) and massively expanding our potential audience. 

This led to a new proposition focused on comfort and quality, a new brand line ‘When you know. Le Chameau,’ and a more contemporary tone of voice and colour palette. We developed a comprehensive customer acquisition campaign, encompassed by a digital-first test and learn approach, to power data-led learnings, before a full roll out to the audiences.  

The Results

Direct sales as a result of the campaign increased by 39% year-on-year. We saw an overall 52.3% increase in online sales year-on-year and a 48% increase in ecommerce conversion rate. And we established a new loyal audience in the process.

year-on-year rise in sales
increase in online sales
increase in e-commerce conversion rate


Le Chameau - When you know. Le Chameau

By marrying data, insight and content, we helped Le Chameau retain its premium value whilst broadening its audience base.

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MSQ Partners

0203 026 6611 [email protected]