
We were approached by Noble Foods in 2019 to launch the UK’s first plant-based liquid egg replacement.


We know that vegans are vegans for environmental and ethical reasons. But what really gets them excited, is food. Simple.

We found that on the road to whole-hearted herbivore, eggs are often the last thing to go. All down to a lack of alternatives.

But Crackd wouldn’t just be for vegans. There is a massive community of people who are allergic to eggs. They’re mostly ignored by brands, so we targeted them, too.

Finally, they could know the euphoric feeling of nabbing the last Yorkshire Pudding. 

We worked with chefs from top vegan restaurants to create recipe videos that showed the product is more than a substitute – it’s a proper ingredient to make food worth cooking. Cookies. Cakes. Brownies, and more.

Videos were shot in COVID-friendly shoots at restaurants including London’s En Root. They were broadcast across VOD, YouTube and social.

On Social

We used reviews from enthusiastic home chefs who loved the product.

Shorter edits of hero videos were used to educate fans-to-be about where to buy it, and how to use it.

And we’re pretty proud to say we solved the crisis of 2020.

The Website

We were responsible for the development of their website – designing the template and writing all the copy after setting a quirky, distinctive tone of voice. All without a single terrible egg-based pun. Cracking!

Visually, the packaging became a springboard for an eye-catching and eye-keeping house style – massively contrasted to the minimalist blanding of so many competitors.


Followers grew, and we catapulted past KPIs.

Sky AdSmart said that the creative produced the best results they’ve ever seen on the platform.

But more importantly - the product sold. Distribution has widened, going from an M&S exclusive to a range of retailers including Selfridges and Whole Foods. And other places that aren’t quite as posh, too.

  • 588,975 VOD Impressions; an over delivery of 5%
  • 9.4m impressions on Youtube; an over delivery of 130%
  • 17.4% increase in prompted brand awareness uplift


Crackd - Meet the Egg that's Made not Laid

Media Bounty were approached by Noble Foods in 2019 to launch the UK’s first plant-based liquid egg replacement. Say hello to The No-Egg Egg.

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Media Bounty

020 7260 2600 [email protected]