Breville: Turn On Your Creativity

Campaign Showreel

Breville engaged us to deliver two main objectives; bring distinctiveness of their brand into a typically commoditised, functional category on social media, and also run full-funnel digital and social ad campaigns to promote their NPD pipeline throughout the year.


Drive consumer penetration of higher price point Breville branded products by reassuring consumers that Breville products will deliver better results and enhanced product experiences.

As reflected by a total SKA market value share to 10% by December 2020 (it was at 9.1% MaSh April ’19 MAT).

More specifically;

Organic Social

→ Increase follower growth

→ Increase relevance of followers

→ Increase engagement with posts

→ Increase average post reach

Paid Campaigns

→ increase reach through lower CPMs

→ Increase traffic to retailer sites

→ Drive sales


Our strategy was split into two interdependent strands; organic social (always on) and NPD campaigns.

Organic Social (Always On)

Working with the client to understand the R&D behind our core ranges, we knew that consumers looked at kitchenware, particularly toasters and kettles, as a cheaper alternative to a kitchen renovation. Adding a new colour scheme or accessorising meant giving the room a new lease of life. This informed the majority of the decisions about materials, shapes, colours and textures of the product range.

Playing into the brand platform,’Turn On Your Creativity’, we chose to express Breville’s products as a tool to create beautiful and delicious dishes.

With this in mind we created an always-on social strategy for Breville UK, re-imagining their social channels with innovative social-first content full of personality. The content ran across Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest & more recently TikTok.

NPD Campaigns

There were three main NPD campaigns throughout the year; Breville Barista Mini & Max, Ultimate Deep Fill Toastie Maker, and HeatSoft Hand Mixer. They all ultimately sat under the campaign ‘Turn On Your Creativity’ but the strategy was nuanced to each range;

For Ultimate Deep Fill Toastie Maker we wanted to communicate that our products have enhanced design which puts aesthetics as the leading purchase driver over price, meaning consumers will have greater consideration and appreciation for Breville at higher price points.

For the Breville Barista Mini & Max we wanted to drive consumer awareness of Breville as a coffee brand by communicating we have an accessible range of products designed to make coffee simpler and less intimidating, ultimately resulting in consideration and conversion to purchase.

Finally, for the Heatsoft Hand Mixer, we wanted to communicate the enhanced features that can ultimately make them a better, and more spontaneous, baker.


The platform ‘Turn On Your Creativity’ was really brought to life through the various content formats, including;

Bake Off Bingo → creating brand association with GBBO, allowing fans to play along with our game to win Breville baking equipment.

Food Porn → mouthwatering visuals of various dishes created using Breville products, such as cheese toastie cinemagraphs.

Kitchen Of the Month → showcasing the best of our community in terms of how they have styled our products within their kitchens.

For campaign activity we partnered with former GBBO winner Candice Brown to front our campaigns for both Ultimate Deep Fill and HeatSoft Hand Mixer. She added an element of accessibility, personality and style to the content which resonated with our target audience.

Results and Evaluation

The campaign has been a success on a number of levels as can be seen below, but ultimately enabling us to deliver over 10% SKA market share value by the end of 2020.

Our Always On organic resulted in a 145% increase in following, 292% increase in impressions & a 200% increase in engagements. 

Our Paid results resulted spoke for themselves with a 2.9 million reach peak, 2.5 million ad engagements & 8 million impressions across all Breville’s SKUs over 

  • Barista (Max & Mini) - 570k Reach, 236k Engagement / 10.2k Clicks to Site 
  • Deep Fill (Candice) - 10k Clicks to Site / 95% VTR
  • Heatsoft Hand Mixer - 604k views, 1.15% CTR, 1.9M impressions, 22k clicks to site.

Digital Natives delivered an excellent all round campaign which covered a broad spectrum of categories. Responding accurately to the brief they thought outside the box and created tailored category campaigns which lived holistically under a broad brand campaign. The results speak for themselves – without Digital Natives’ knowledge of the social space we would not have been able to deliver such an effective campaign.

Rachel Galloway, Senior Marketing Manager EMEA


Breville: Turn On Your Creativity

Breville engaged Digital Natives to deliver two main objectives: amplify the distinctiveness of their brand in a typically commoditised, functional category on social media, and run full-funnel digital and social ad campaigns to promote their NPD pipeline throughout the year.

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