Splendid Comms

London Splendid Comms


  • Integrated marketing
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Search
  • Social


It used to be that a loud voice and a decent ad spend was all you needed to get your message across. In today’s fragmented world, to project a consistent message we need brand stories strong enough to remain intact wherever they are told and shared. At Splendid we call our approach People-First Creativity.
From our strategic thinking, to the way we generate ideas and work with our clients, our starting point is real people living real lives in the real world. We’ll challenge you and urge you to keep it real. We’re here to deliver creative work that lives beyond the industry bubble. We love what we do. We’re Splendid.





Number of Staff
Not Disclosed


It used to be that a loud voice and a decent ad spend was all you needed to get your message across. In today’s fragmented world, to project a consistent message we need brand stories strong enough to remain intact wherever they are told and shared. At Splendid we call our approach People-First Creativity.
From our strategic thinking, to the way we generate ideas and work with our clients, our starting point is real people living real lives in the real world. We’ll challenge you and urge you to keep it real. We’re here to deliver creative work that lives beyond the industry bubble. We love what we do. We’re Splendid.


You won’t find many agencies like Splendid. Where there’s a real sense of fun and camaraderie, where the people are genuine friends who actually enjoy each other’s company, but where the expertise and experience is world-class and where the work is consistently excellent and award-winning.
There’s a real sense of democracy, a feeling that everyone has a voice and a part to play. You’ll find an abundance of people who really know their stuff and who are generous with their knowledge. It’s an agency where talent is recognised and encouraged, and where bright people stick around and progress onwards and upwards.
Our culture team, Splendid Socialites, make sure we have fun together all throughout the year. Responsibilities include organising Splendid Stories book club, monthly activities, Summer and Christmas parties.


At Splendid, we aspire to connect brands in the real world. We are the pioneers of the People-First connectivity in any form and everything we do begins with a genuine real world insight. We aspire to lead the way in the communications industry with our knitted approach to creative campaigns. Communications platforms can no longer work in silo and we look to deliver unique ideas which work across multi-platforms, telling a consistent message and story – the ambition being no matter how you consume media, our brand’s story is told in an exciting and relatable way.