The Challenge

Our brief was to drive awareness and consideration to trial the new Wotsits Giants on their national roll out, amplifying the big idea ‘Size Matters when it comes to snacks’.

People-First Insight

It is universally acknowledged that when it comes to most things in life… size matters. We took this playful tongue in cheek insight and used it to build a campaign around the size of Wotsits.

The Story

We began by setting the world record for the biggest snack on the planet, working with the Walkers factory production team to create a 10.66m ‘Wotzilla’ on the factory floor and filming the attempt. The monster snack, which broke the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® record for ‘Longest Puffed Corn’, exploded into earned media with the story even being covered on Good Morning Britain and the BBC News.

We then went on to rally the nation to check out the size of their snacks, announcing a £10k reward for the largest Wotsits Giant in the UK. Consumers had to measure their Wotsits, with the largest being called in for inspection. To make this travel into earned, we had a little help from Karl Chamberlain, who works in quality control at Walkers – a job that involves him measuring and tasting Wotsits Giants for a living. Starring Karl, our humorous ‘How to Measure your Wotsits’ video helped us secure multiple national hits, and ensure the nation was well equipped for the task.

We also drove further engagement with the competition by producing special fully recyclable media mailers containing all the tools required to measure a Wotsit. By using social listening, we also managed to secure coverage from high-profile individuals who we knew would enjoy Wotsits Giants. Celebrity fan Katherine Ryan even opened up our sizeable media mailer live on Instagram Stories to her 643k followers, and linked through to our page.

To top it all off, we used product placement to show off the national availability of Wotsits Giants, securing coverage with 100% branded image inclusion.

How It Travelled

During the campaign period, Wotsits Giants helped deliver the biggest ever sales week in the history of Wotsits.

pieces of earned media coverage
430 million
combined OTS
of coverage included at least one key message
positive sentiment in coverage

Some Key Learnings

It was a great experience working closely with the Wotsits factory team on this campaign and this enhanced the authenticity and ‘feel good factor’ media appeal of the content created.

Additionally, our targeted use of social listening tools resulted in us tailoring our influencer send outs to high profile figures who previously revealed they were a fan of Wotsits. This delivered multiple positive organic posts completely free of charge and free of #ad, and ensured minimal wastage. 


Wotsits Giants: We Showed the World that Size Matters... When it Comes to Snacks

We broke the Guinness World Record for the World’s Longest Puffcorn by creating a 10.66m Wotsit at the Walkers factory. Continuing this theme, we announced a £10k reward for whoever finds the UK's longest Wotsit Giant.

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Splendid Comms

02075537300 [email protected]