In a saturated landscape of CSR commitments and intense media scrutiny, everybody is looking for major corporations to do more. To win back the trust of consumers, take responsibility and show real progress, The Coca-Cola Company needed to THINK MAVERICK.


In a saturated landscape of CSR commitments and in intense media scrutiny, everybody is looking for major corporations to do more. We needed a new approach to win back the trust of consumers, take responsibility and show real progress. The answer? to create something with more potential than a campaign, with no end date, and no set amount of commitments or projects.

We needed to set an approach with endless longevity, breadth and potential to evolve and grow – not a campaign, but a mindset to drive actual progress inside and outside the business. NEVER SETTLE is a powerful expression of what Coca-Cola stand for as a global brand. To show that Coca-Cola is about more than drinks. To develop The Coca-Cola Company’s first consumer facing corporate reputation campaign in 26 markets across Europe. To tell the true story. To build lasting trust and credibility amongst consumers towards Coca-Cola and its actions as a company. To announce the intent, and then prove it.

To define and communicate Coca-Cola’s purpose and point of view in three areas – Waste, Water and People. To stand out and surprise people. All executed through a new disruptive, yet humble tone of voice, visual style and identity.


Today’s consumers expect more from corporations. Sustainability is one of the most relevant and emotive topics in today’s landscape.

70% of consumers believe that corporates should be doing more for the social and economic conditions of their marketplace.*

And they expect even more from market leaders. They expect a purpose.

*Edelman Trust Barometer 2017


NEVER SETTLE is Coca-Cola’s bold expression of how they act and how they think. It is a way to frame and define Coca-Cola’s purpose, while showing the world what they’re doing for good. It’s where blue sky thinking meets pragmatic action. The tangible output from a restless mindset. While the world obsesses over the problem, Coca-Cola is stepping up with solutions. As a leader should. They were already doing these things. NEVER SETTLE gave them the platform to give a voice to their actions. 

NEVER SETTLE replaced the silver-bullet, short-term campaigns with a long-term meaningful message platform associated with a behaviour and statement of intent. NEVER SETTLE simultaneously delivered The Coca-Cola Company’s global point of view and provide local markets with a framework to adapt and execute communications moving forward.

NEVER SETTLE is much more than a campaign, it’s a cultural shift adopted worldwide – to Never Settle.

We needed to reset perceptions. Never settling is an impatience to do more, do well and do good for the planet and people on it. This core thought connects up a global point of view with multiple local projects on the ground – showing action behind the big ideas. with focus in three areas The Coca-Cola Company can have the most positive impact – Water, Waste and People.

To show the seriousness of Coca-Cola’s intentions we needed a puncture moment to epitomise this new spirit and shake current brand perception by bringing to life a brutally honest admission: ‘It’s not enough to make drinks. We need to make a difference’.

Across a series of films, social posts, PR and out of home we created a pool of content representing projects that epitomise this spirit. We helped Coca-Cola find the stories and projects that best represented NEVER SETTLE’s purpose, working with them to define their most compelling content which would resonate locally, using key messages and proof points.

For an idea with huge potential. Content is king. So we developed a diverse range of integrated assets which established the global point of view and set the strategic and creative direction for local markets.

Then we explored opportunities to amplify the messaging through influencers and activations. Beyond film and social, how could people interact and emotionally connect with Never Settle? Engage with it. Live it.

But this is just the start.


It has been 133 years since Coca-Cola announced a point of view and purpose.

NEVER SETTLE represents a cultural shift within The Coca-Cola Company with Global CEO James Quincey adopting the ‘restless’ tone of voice in his speeches.

An idea with big potential today, NEVER SETTLE is the official CSR message platform for The Coca-Cola Company. Adopted globally after initial European success. Brand favourability and emotional response has doubled versus the market norms in consumer testing. But there’s always more to do, when you never settle.


Coca-Cola ‘Never Settle’

In a saturated landscape of CSR commitments and intense media scrutiny, everybody is looking for major corporations to do more. To win back the trust of consumers, take responsibility and show real progress, The Coca-Cola Company needed to THINK MAVERICK.

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The Maverick Group

020 7378 6969 [email protected]