MSC Crusies - Global Brand Campaign

MSC is one of the largest cruise operators in the world, who approached us to help them reposition and repackage their offering, to appeal to a number of different types of guest: families, cruisers, younger couples, across different regions. It had to stand out against MSC’s key competitors and show the complete offering an MSC cruise provides.

We developed an overarching brand campaign 'The Sea at Its Most' from the strategic insight, that we are all moved by the emotional power of the sea. We also aimed to bring the element of discovery into cruising and inspire a younger audience to uncover the enjoyment of cruising.

The campaign is truly integrated across all media channels and platforms, to ensure excellence in execution and consistency in the message. It is created using a modular approach, allowing us to adapt and tailor each execution for a specific market. 


MSC Cruises - Global Brand Campaign

MSC is one of the largest cruise operators in the world, who approached us to help them reposition and repackage their offering, to appeal to a number of different types of guest: families, cruisers, younger couples, across different regions. It had to stand out against MSC’s key

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat

Leagas Delaney

+44 (0)20 7758 1758 [email protected]