Nice 'n Easy: #faceyourfirst

The Challenge

Clairol asked us to bring them a big idea that would get our "First-grey Worriers" to see the brand as modern and relevant without alienating their existing following of loyal older shoppers.

The Insight

Analysis of social media content and sentiment (as well as personal experience) told us that no-one forgets finding their first grey hair. But the media and societal pressures mean that this moment is still an unspoken milestone that acts as a dreaded marker for getting older.

The Idea

Our digital-first campaign challenged the stigma of finding your first grey, and set out to show that going grey is a beautiful, natural part of getting older - a moment to be celebrated. Since there is no more emotive platform for storytelling than video, our short film encouraged women to face their first grey with the same confidence as the other milestones in their lives. With a supporting online hub and suite of social media assets, we took our story to the very place that the negative conversations were happening.

Combined 12.5million impressions
across Facebook and Instagram
Reached 10.6million
unique people over 2 weeks
1.77million post engagements
generated through social content
CTR from YouTube
tripled our benchmarks
113,787,863 people
reached through an integrated PR and influencer campaign launch


Nice 'n Easy - #faceyourfirst

We empowered women and men to embrace their first greys, giving them the courage to face them with confidence. Our new positioning for hair colour brand Nice’n Easy challenged the beauty sector head on. ‘Colour it, don’t colour it, but always own it,’ went against the usual para

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat


020 8971 3300 [email protected]