We stopped bombarding parents with traditional advertising and emphasised C&G Baby club's expertise in baby happiness by creating the first song in the world scientifically developed to make babies happy. 

We started by sourcing “happy noises”

Through C&G Baby Club, we asked parents to share sounds that made their babies happy. From “sneezing” to “animal sounds” we soon had a varied and happy repertoire.

We partnered with experts

We worked with Emmy award winning composer Imogen Heap, and leading baby and music psychologists, from Goldsmiths, University of London. Using the happy noises, we produced 4 test tracks exploring tempo, pitch, pattern and rhythm. A 4 month testing process at our Infant lab with over 50 babies analysed baby responses including movements, facial expressions, heart rate and vocalisations to see what created a positive mood. From this research, our Happy Song was born.

It's a hit - and it's working

The song was also released on iTunes where it quickly became number 1 in the children’s chart. The Sound of Happy music video went on to receive over 1.37 million views, and we received widespread news coverage from The Daily Mail to Time Magazine. Most importantly, with almost two million song plays to date, we have helped affirm our role as experts in babies happiness.


The Happy Song

The first song scientifically tested to make babies happy



Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat

BETC London

020 3793 3800 [email protected]