Durex had a vision and growth plan to double its business, establishing Durex as a global sex megabrand. Although a global leader in the condom market, condoms only cover 8% of sex occasions. To achieve this target, Durex needed to embark on a journey to own share of sex through a programme of new product development (lubes, sex toys etc.). Research found that the Durex brand image was and is still much anchored in protection and safety. The Durex challenge was to build share of sex and drive share of heart..


A three stage approach was undertaken. Step one was to develop and validate a positioning on a global scale. Step two was to build out creative concepts and test them qualitatively on an international level. The final step was quantitative testing of the creative routes before developing the final campaign and rolling it out across a number of international markets.

We had to inspire men and women to love the sex they have with Durex. This was manifested in the campaign strapline “Love Sex. Durex”. The line encompassed everything about the brand in three easily understood words that required no translation across markets.

Historically, Durex had been supported via a fragmented communication approach, with little synergy between markets. However to drive awareness of the reworked positioning, a new global advertising campaign was launched featuring the strapline and spanning TV, print and digital.

We also helped Durex identify opportunities for brand growth beyond condoms .We developed a series of workshops, each looking at a stage of the sexual journey in terms of audience dynamics and mind set, identifying unmet needs and relevant commercial and brand stretch opportunities. Our findings lead us to the development of inspiring product innovations and a new sub-brand, Play, offering lubes, vibrators, cock rings and orgasm enhancement products.


Shift in market share from 79% to 84%

Increased female consumer base

Brand shift achieved from safe sex to great sex.


Brand transformation for Durex

Brand repositioning from condoms to great sex for the Durex brand

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McCann Manchester

01625 822 246 [email protected]